Lets Talk Style

Finding your style isn’t going to happen overnight; it’s more about finding your groove. Let’s learn some helpful tips to get closer to that perfect you look!

Tip #1 Start with What You Love

Think of your most worn pieces—they’re most likely your favorites! Start by taking a moment to reflect: What are the pieces you always reach for? Maybe it’s the oversized sweater that feels like a warm hug, or your everyday bag that has been your travel companion. Or maybe it’s the statement top that adds extra flair to any simple outfit.

Why it works? The simple truth is that confidence comes from the things we love most. It’s not about what’s trendy or what someone else says looks good on you. It’s all about embracing what makes you, you. When you start with this foundation of love, it’s built on comfort, confidence, and authenticity.

Make it Happen

🎀 Ask yourself: What are my favorite pieces? What do I wear day-to-day? What makes you happy?

Tip #2: Experiment Without Pressure

Like any other skill, fashion is all about trial and error, some of my favorite outfits came from some experimentation. Once you let go of finding the perfect style or stick to rigid styles you open up to infinite creative possibilities. Don’t. be afraid to mix it up, try inventive ways to style your favorite pieces, if the first outfit doesn’t work, try another, and if that one falls short, try again. Fashion is fun! It’s playing dress up, but in real life. The best part? There are no wrong choices, only opportunities to learn about your style along the way.

Why it Works? Pressuring yourself to stick to a style stifles your creativity. By experimenting you allow yourself the freedom to discover new combinations that were never considered. Plus, if you find something that isn’t right it’s just another opportunity to learn what feels right! Personal style is ever-evolving, so permit yourself to play!

Make it Happen

🎀 Mix and Match: try pairing things you already have in new ways

🎀 Try something new: don’t be hesitant to try a new style

🎀 Play with accessories: they are the simplest way to change the vibe of an outfit

🎀 Document, Document, Document: start taking doily ootd photos, this will help you get a sense of trends in your style

Tip #3: Find Your Style Icons (but make it yours)

Have you ever wondered why you love certain celebrities? Maybe it’s because you love the way they dress! As social media grows so does all the inspiration accessible to us. And it doesn’t even have to be limited to celebrities. Influencers or even characters are great sources of style inspiration. The real magic begins when you can twist those ideas and make them 100% you. Remember, these are just starting points to be used as inspiration, personal style should always be uniquely yours. The goal is not to copy them, but to use their influence to discover what makes you feel amazing.

Why it Works? Having a reference point to help guide your style evolution is what these people offer to you. Style icons show you new ways of pairing pieces, and colors and rocking certain silhouettes.

Make it Happen

🎀 Identify what you love: break down what draws you to someone’s style, understanding this will give you direction for your own looks

🎀 Start with Key Pieces: If you’re drawn to a signature look, why not incorporate similar pieces into your wardrobe

🎀 for more, look at my in-depth how-to guide on inspiration

Tip #4: Build Your Wardrobe Slowly (it’s not a race)

Personal style doesn’t come overnight, it took me months to curate my wardrobe and I’m still finding new pieces to add. It’s easy to believe that you need a full wardrobe of the latest brands and trendiest pieces. But trust me, style is not about quantity, but quality. Taking your time allows for intentional choices to be made. More importantly, it rids you of the feeling of having to “keep up” with the trends. These pieces should reflect you and complement your evolving style.

Why it Works? A slow and steady approach lets you purchase pieces that reflect your lifestyle and ideals. You have time to figure out what you love, what you wear the most, and how your personal style evolves. You no longer have to worry about wasting money on items you’d never wear but get to enjoy building a functional and personal wardrobe.

Make it Happen

🎀 So, start with some essentials: a well-fitted pair of jeans or like myself, a signature, versatile jacket then build from there.

🎀 Invest in Timeless Pieces: once you have the basics it is time to start finding things that won’t go out of style. These are things that can remain staples in your wardrobe while adding new pieces over time. think of a classic leather jacket, blazer, or a little black dress.

🎀 Embrace a Capsule Wardrobe: consider a smaller and more curated collection of clothes to wear throughout the seasons

🎀 Don’t feel pressured to Keep Up: Taking a look around and feel everyone else constantly updating their wardrobes. But finding personal style isn’t about buying into the next big thing, rather, its about finding what you love.

Tip #6: Trust Your Gut and Have Fun

Let me tell you a little story, all my life I’ve been told that deep cool tones colors like plums, navys, and forest greens suit me. However, somewhere in my heart, I could never give up my love of browns, creams, and muted pinks. During a personal color consultation, turns out that the colors I loved so much were the best ones for me! It was such a relief knowing that my intuition was right all along. The more you listen to yourself and embrace what excites you the closer you’ll get to discovering your unique style. The clothes you choose to wear are ultimately whatever makes you feel the best. Putting together outfits is only half the fun, finding new things to inspire your next outfit is just as fun and not to be taken too seriously. Personal style comes with embracing everything you love.

Why it Works? When you trust your gut, the more freedom you have to explore your true personality and preferences. There’s no right to wrong when it comes to personal style, it is all about authenticity. The more you worry about “getting it right,” the less natural finding your style becomes. Confidence comes from within, and when you wear something you genuinely love, it radiates outwards.

Make it Happen

🎀 Style is just a journey, not a destination: you’re always evolving and learning more about yourself, so take pride in that growth and the small wins along the way.

🎀 Go with what Feels Right: Don’t overthink. If something feels right then that’s a sign of what feels right to you!

Your Personal Style Awaits–Let’s Do This!

It’s never too late to begin your styling journey. Remember, personal style is ever-evolving, and no one’s style is ‘perfect’. One day you might want to rock bold colors and another maybe more of a laid-back vibe. The key to succeeding is confidence and authenticity, making your everyday outfits even more exciting to wear. Never be afraid to show the world who you are, you never know you may be the next trendsetter. So go ahead, and express yourself, your style awaits!

♥️ keep it cute, keep it you –the Downtown Grl ♥️

**disclaimer: all photos are found on Pinterest and am not claiming them as my own.

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